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Open Courtyards

Open Courtyards

It is a secret city hidden in the city, or rather, in its historic centre, that of the noble palaces and private residences, usually not open to the public. A heritage of beauty that is revealed once a year to the delight of local visitors and tourists alike. An itinerary through gardens and entrance halls, cloisters and arcades, along streets and alleys, with a rich programme of guided tours, music, live performances, performing arts, tastings, meetings, exhibitions and other events.

"Lecce Cortili Aperti", organised by the Associazione Dimore Storiche Italiane and with the support of the Municipality of Lecce, is now in its 28th edition, as part of the national day of the Associazione Dimore Storiche Italiane.

Students from some of the city's schools will animate the day: those from the 'Tito Schipa' Conservatory will provide musical performances in several courtyards. Students from the 'Giuseppe Palmieri' classical and musical high school, the 'Ascanio Grandi' secondary school, the Oxford Institute, the 'Adriano Olivetti' technical institute, the 'Ciardo Pellegrino' artistic and choreographic high school, the 'Giulietta Banzi' state scientific high school, the 'Pietro Siciliani' state high school, the 'Marcelline' cultural and language institute and the Academy of Fine Arts will act as guides.

The customary spring event could start from Porta Rudiae. As soon as you pass through, you will see the Dominican convent on the right-hand side, which currently houses the Academy of Fine Arts. Strolling along Via Libertini, one can admire the Palazzo Apostolico Orsini. Arriving in Piazza Duomo, one is enraptured by the splendour of the Seminary.

Turning into Via Palmieri, you will come across Palazzo Spada and the Church of San Giovanni di Dio. Returning to corso Vittorio Emanuele II, you can visit palazzo Rollo and palazzo Carrelli Palombi.

Once in Piazza Sant'Oronzo, you enter the former Jesuit convent, formerly home to the Circolo Cittadino, while passing the basilica of Santa Croce, you can see palazzo Personé-Taurino, which houses the Jewish Museum, palazzo Fiermonte, palazzo Bozzi Corso and palazzo Maremonte-Chillino. Then it is the turn of the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin in via Idomeneo, palazzo Guido in via Conte Gaufrido, Dimora Muratore in via Scarambone and the Church of San Leucio in via Francesco Antonio d'Amelio.

Another interesting itinerary could start from the Marcelline Institute of Culture and Languages on viale Otranto and continue into the historical centre, this time entering it from Porta San Biagio. Along Via dei Perroni, you will first encounter Palazzo dé Perroni and immediately after Palazzetto Palmieri. Beyond the church of San Matteo, in via del Palazzo dei Conti di Lecce, you will discover palazzo Lecciso and palazzo Morisco, today Arditi di Castelvetere Galante. Further on, in Via Marco Basseo, one comes across Palazzo Sambiasi and Palazzo Bernardini d'Arnesano. A few steps further on, in via Guglielmo Paladini, you will come across palazzo Maresgallo, palazzo Tamborino Cezzi and palazzo Brunetti.

In the long list of residences and historical places exceptionally open to the public also the Second Circle 'Edmondo de Amicis' in piazzetta Corte Conte Accardo, the former Augustinian convent with the baroque church of Santa Maria di Ogni Bene in viale Michele de Pietro and, not far away in piazzetta dei Peruzzi, palazzo Giaconia.

Free entrance from 10 am to 1 pm and from 4.30 pm to 8.30 pm. The complete and updated programme can be viewed at associazionedimorestoricheitaliane.it/gn-puglia/

Event Properties

Event Date 21-05-2023 10:00 am
Location Porta Rudiae
Categories Da scoprire

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