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Visite guidate al Parco Archeologico Rudiae

Visite guidate al Parco Archeologico Rudiae

Not only the Amphitheatre in Piazza Sant'Oronzo, witness of the ancient Lupiae in the imperial age. Lecce has another just a few kilometres from the centre. The Parco Archeologico di Rudiae (Rudiae Archaeological Park), accessible thanks to an agreement between the Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio for the provinces of Brindisi and Lecce and ARVa SRL, in collaboration with the municipality of Lecce, it is reached by taking the road to San Pietro in Lama: the perception of descending into the Valle della Cupa is clear. The route followed by the guides begins at the Acchiatura fund, a highly evocative name that recalls the Salento legends of hidden and forgotten treasures, of resources that would have made the fortune of the most daring. Over the years the treasure, in terms of ancient artefacts, in this area has probably been found and stolen, but what has been brought to light today makes Lecce the only city to boast two theatres of such importance. The first finds from the excavations carried out in the 1950s thus emerge: two orthogonal basalt roads, a temple and the remains of an underground tomb predating this one, probably belonging to a Messapian noble family. The visit then continues on the north side where we can see the site of what has been called 'the amphitheatre of olive trees'. Today, as probably in the past, the trees surround the oval together with the Mediterranean scrub and the characteristic dry stone walls.

The visit, supported by virtual tours on tablets and panels with photos, virtual reconstructions and graphic illustrations, allows you to see the stages of the excavations that brought to light the amphitheatre together with various finds such as a togated marble statue from the first century AD and a treasure of silver denarii dating back to the reign of Domitian and to virtually immerse yourself in the bloody hunting scenes and gladiator games that took place there.

Ticket: 8 euros, reduced 6.

Info and bookings: 349/1186667; 349/5907685.


Event Properties

Event Date 26-05-2024 11:00 am
Location Parco Archeologico Rudiae
Categories Da scoprire

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